Hi this is reminiscent I'm gonna be doing
tutorial and I am using com the Miss pro. It's a limited edition line and it's
gonna be available pretty soon. So on the lookout for it this one's called just
like black that number 9 01 8 it's a beautiful light by lack and I'm gonna
overcoat it with arm Granth and clam number nine 019 and that these are both
limited editions. So if you really like these on I'm not because not gonna be
for a long time I like them a lot I'm here with I'm you read trip you got your name.
It so I'm going over with back see how it affects just so yummy so I'm really
is one plane in a min ago over all of them with the clinton lamb in make candy
and I'll meet you back. Okay so now when I'm eventually my palate boom going in
with them this purple and when I when I lighten it up it's going to be it's
gonna be really match.
Nails Art Lavender Iris Fashion
Well with the lilac yes okay you want to match
kinda and then I'm gonna work from the white areas and many in areas like yes
okay hmm. I'm going to start out meet to know it's probably 0 work great on the
line okay okay so with I'm a really nice green with thank you. You go in and
then just to kind of like a seagrass but this beautiful meantime. This is not
paint folk art I'm not sure what color it is but its own metallic green yeah
talk medium and now I'm getting you can wait let let this dry. I would be normal
open you have time for normal going yeah and complete yes and push the colors
and first mmm me is me and then I'll let that dry alright and here is where we
all put together fifth and everybody stops breathing alright with the most the
lightest. Here you know the lightest I'm see how in this paint is you want to
keep it that been when I get anything can and you want to spray it and keep it
this then you want to work as thin as possible.
Okay in a dark brown color see you at the stain
it was like a stain on age okay so here we go but it doesn't take away their in
that game and behind the camera. I could write it with super tired so it dry
really fast and I have cracked and my purple if that's true. When you see them
sorry toppling use okay so outlined and really outlining just takes patience
and practice so you guys can get a first-time please know that I've done this
for so many years in my life that that's why. It looks easy it's not easy and
see where have a look at it thanks to ram this is where I am getting add a
little magic touches that make it right really pretty mmm see how it got it
that in and didn't I didn't run this time because it's just too tiny of them
evening is a little too dancing and then with the purple go back in UK her
shaped perfect though. So we will do in DC how much it makes it even that much
more on precise. So that's how you get the precise look okay and okay in here
is the finished product. I love the the lavender nails on on the station
lavender I'm what is that called I'll okay and here's the end result a the
lavender flowers anyways. I put every Monday Wednesday and Friday and please
look at me at Robin Moses Neil are hacked facebook or go to Robin Moses nail
art on YouTube subscribe fan Twitter tweet Tomball and Pinterest hi got it
finish by you.
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